Your protection in an imperfect world!

Ajax has been manufacturing alarm systems since 2011 and which, with its modern design and advanced communication technology, Jeweler, has won several awards over the years!

Ajax Centralenhet, HUB2 Plus tar säker kommunikation till en helt ny nivå! Enheten kan kommunicera via 4G, WiFi eller Ethernet, dessutom har den en flerlagerkrypterad säkerhetslänk till Ajax egna molntjänst. Via denna länk känner enheten av om störningar finns från exempelvis störsändare eller andra blockeringar.

The versatile alarm

What do you need for your boat alarm? Ajax Systems' line of sensors include: fire alarms, door contacts, motion sensors with cameras and much more. What do you need?

The central unit, Ajax Hub2 Plus

We build our boat alarms with Ajax Hub2 Plus, this central unit manages communication with Ajax servers in more ways than its siblings: Hub and Hub 2. The unit has room for two SIM cards: 4G, 3G and 2G. In addition, it has the option of connecting to the boat's own WiFi or router with a network cable. You choose the way that suits you best!

The central unit communicates with Ajax servers and with the application in your phone or tablet. The communication is multi-layer encrypted, if the communication between the central unit and the server is lost, you will be immediately notified of this via a critical alarm on your phone or tablet.

Contact us and we will tell you more about a boat alarm based on Ajax!

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