On board

Burglar alarm

What on your boat is desirable for a thief?

The fact that a boat engine is susceptible to theft is hardly news to anyone, but what is on board that can attract the thief?

What a thief is after is impossible to say in advance, usually it is some form of electronics that can be quickly resold on the black market that is desirable, for example a plotter. It can also be speakers, stereo, VHF radio or other electronics, but also other equipment in the form of life jackets and controls, or that bottle of aquavit left behind.

An unwelcome visit in the form of unknown people sunbathing on the foredeck or having a coffee on the aft bridge, the knowledge that someone has been on board, is something that can easily cause discomfort to many.

Nordic Boat Security offers different types of burglar alarms, adapted to your particular boat and your needs. Sirens and flashing lights are two components that help both to scare away the burglar and at the same time attract attention from the surroundings. We also have sensors with built-in cameras for photo verification and image proof of the break-in and much more.

We build your boat alarm on one of the following systems:
