International anti-theft marking
Nordic Boat Security is a proud reseller of the international anti-theft marking system, Securmark.
Using engraving/etching combined with micromarks, we mark boats, engines, jet skis, snowmobiles, ATVs and other valuable property.
Each unit receives a unique identity for clear and secure identification, all information about the objects and ownership is registered in Securmark's international database.
The database is always searchable for police, border police and customs in large parts of Europe. Insurance companies and rescue services have the option of searching the database for objects. Several insurance companies give you a discount on the insurance if the object has a marking from Securmark!
How does Securmark work?
Each object that is anti-theft marked is assigned a unique Securmark number, this number is engraved in several places on the object. As a complement to the engraving, thousands of micromarks are also sprayed onto the object. These micromarks have the unique Securmark number on them and can be read using a mini microscope. A number of visible stickers are pasted on the marked object and alert the thief and the police that the object is marked with Securmark. Information about the object and the unique Securmark number are linked and registered in Securmark's international database.
What can be marked with Securmark?
Pretty much everything can be marked with Secumark, instead ask yourself the question: What is worth to me to protect against theft?
Vanligtvis brukar ägaren behöva ta med sig objektet som skall märkas till en återförsäljare av Securmark. Nordic Boat Security har istället valt att komma till objektet, därför har vi specialiserat oss mot Båtar, Snöskotrar, Utombordsmotorer och Vattenskotrar. Men givetvis får du komma till oss om du så önskar.

Outboard engine
Price from: SEK 1590

Jet Ski
Price from: SEK2390

Price from: SEK2390

Price from: SEK2890
*Price varies with the size of the object and whether the work is carried out at Nordic Boat Security workshop or where the object is located. Within Luleå Municipality, we have fixed prices for Securmarking at your boats location.
Contact us for free consultation